Thinking about differentiation and social justice

This blog post was co-authored by Sue Thomas and Sue Monk How do schools conceptualise difference? How does this conceptualisation play out in terms of social justice? These questions were explored in a paper written by Sue Monk and her colleagues: Investigating ‘moment’ of student agency through a differentiated music curriculum The paper gives an … More Thinking about differentiation and social justice

Intersecting the private-public debate in education research

Trying to grasp a concept take work. It’s the whole two steps forward one step back thing. Have you ever felt like you have finally have grasped an idea and then complexity is added, sending you backward? I don’t think the struggle ever ends. I don’t think the theorising ever ends either. But, at some … More Intersecting the private-public debate in education research

Activist Research

The question – Where are you from? –  seems innocent. I  have been asked this question many times. And I always answer by saying:  the name of the rural town. The next question I always get asked is: No where are you really from?  I am stubborn, so I persist with my answer and repeat … More Activist Research

What are your concerns about being an academic blogger?

So where are the blogs? In my first post, I promised a variety of educators a platform for expressing their vision to the world. I believe I was inspiring. The feedback I have had from colleagues has me motivated. The blog was shared more than any other I’ve written. But where are the blogs? Shouldn’t they … More What are your concerns about being an academic blogger?

Thoughts about online pedagogy: Can #edtech help inclusive classrooms?

I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter and weblog social media curating and discussing people’s ideas, trialing my own, and thinking about how social media is used in education. Not just schools, but also higher education and academia. There are many advocates for the usefulness of education technology (search #edtech). In fact many wonder why … More Thoughts about online pedagogy: Can #edtech help inclusive classrooms?